Sunday, March 11, 2012

Inspirational Post

It has been a while since I blogged. First I wanted to tell you about a very inspirational post called Adapting in Place: It's cold in here! . I found it very comforting learning about another family that lives with much cooler temperatures in the winter. We have become so used to having anything we want on demand.

Another blog I read recently was written by a man who is an extreme minimalist (the exact opposite of what I have been my whole life.) The interesting part is that I found inspiration in reading about him. It isn't that I ever plan to imitate him, but rather I can let go of the things that do not bring me happiness. I am slowly freeing myself from my tendency to hang onto things without a clear plan for the item. Hoarding to me is when a person has something in his or her life that causes them to attach their emotions to the things. This often happens with someone battling depression. The person becomes so obsessed with keeping something because their Great Aunt Gertrude gave it. They do not even notice that the thing is so ugly and useless that it should have been recycled years ago.

There are many websites and books dedicated to getting rid of clutter from your house. The thing that many of these resources leave out is the underlying cause. Without investigation of this, there isn't anything that will permanently keep the junk at bay or away.


  1. Spiritually, you might find this page enlightening:
    St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit order, suggested that we become aware of "disordered attachments" in our lives, attachments that lead us away from authentic relationships with God, others, and our true selves. Not that I have my act together - I have much that I need to let go of!

    1. I enjoyed reading that page. Everyday I work towards a little less baggage.
